
Arrived in L.A

Ok, I admit it, I am here already a couple of days, but didnt have a chance so far, to write anything. I caught a cold.. so guess... thats how it is before you get married. Everything worked out great so far, we got the licence on friday without any problem. Had a engagement party on Saturday, which was a lot of fun!! So in a couple of hours my parents will arrive... lets see how that will be!

Ok, only 6 more days and we are married.. I promise to write soon again!!



Goodmorning everyone!

Now finally... I'm up, and getting ready to fly to L.A. Ok.. I admit: I'm nervous... maybe that's not even quite how I feel.. There are a 100 000 thought going through my mind.. most of them start with "What if.." well.. in about 30 hours.. I'll see Brent again!

But first let me tell you, I had a great Bachelorette-Party last night.. I met with my girlfriends.. and ok... I had to wear a shirt.. it said: "Lebenslänglich.. Nur noch 10 Tage Freiheit" it was really funny.. especially for the others! ;-) But it was fun! (Yes you will see some pictures.. soon!)
We got home late, and I slept for a couple of hours.... before I woke up, all nervous!

Now I need to get ready.. what is there still to do? Mmh.. I will have to clean up the kitchen, finish my packing, get myself ready! Oh and don't forget the plane tickets, passport and money!!

Ok.. I guess that's it for now.. I will blog soon!


30 Days to go

I just came home from bringing Brent to the airport in Basel. We had an amazing time in Bern. The time went bye to quickly. But as the title says.. only 30 days to go, before we see each other again! And well, 40 days to the wedding. Can you believe it? :-)

Well, I guess there is still some work to do.. pick up the wedding dress, finish everything at work, organize the life in Switzerland, countdown in the US.. so I would say:

The Countdown has started!!

If you want to see some pictures of the time Brent and I had in Bern..



Invitation Cards

Yes, I just got the invitation/announcment cards for Switzerland... well now I have to write the addresses and start to post them. Hopefully, I'll be done by next week, so that everyone gets the cards right in time!


Gift Book

Yiipeee, we have now our "Gift book" or how you say in Swiss German "Wunschbüechli".

Thanks to Karin, she gave us the idea with this website, so that we can manage it on the internet and everyone who wants to have a look now:

User: Brent_Claudia
Password: brentandclaudia

If you do not understand the procedure, just contact us, we will help you (there is only a german layout available).

Looking forward to read comments, gustbook entries.. and so on!


Brent & Claudia' s Wedding

We will be married on December 27th 2008 in San Dimas, California USA:

Here you will be updated about their preparation, about the time before the wedding day (maybe some insight on the bachelor-parties).

Definitely we will tell you about our wedding day as well.
So that even if you are not able to attend, you can be still a part of it!

After that we will leave some posts from our honeymoon.. where are we... did we really find Kansas? ;-)

And, you will also find posts from "our" moving to Switzerland.. and once we are in Switzerland, we will keep you updated, with the party that we will have here..

Brent & Claudia