

Goodmorning everyone!

Now finally... I'm up, and getting ready to fly to L.A. Ok.. I admit: I'm nervous... maybe that's not even quite how I feel.. There are a 100 000 thought going through my mind.. most of them start with "What if.." well.. in about 30 hours.. I'll see Brent again!

But first let me tell you, I had a great Bachelorette-Party last night.. I met with my girlfriends.. and ok... I had to wear a shirt.. it said: "Lebenslänglich.. Nur noch 10 Tage Freiheit" it was really funny.. especially for the others! ;-) But it was fun! (Yes you will see some pictures.. soon!)
We got home late, and I slept for a couple of hours.... before I woke up, all nervous!

Now I need to get ready.. what is there still to do? Mmh.. I will have to clean up the kitchen, finish my packing, get myself ready! Oh and don't forget the plane tickets, passport and money!!

Ok.. I guess that's it for now.. I will blog soon!

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